
About Us

Elmwood Elementary School is located in the Overlea-Fullerton area of Northeast Baltimore County and serves students in Preschool through Grade 5.

Our Vision:
At Elmwood Elementary School, we commit to providing each student with meaningful educational experiences to thrive in an inclusive environment where everyone belongs. 

Our Mission:
The mission of Elmwood Elementary is to provide a rigorous education for all students. Each and every individual will have access to high-quality instruction which encompasses 21st Century learning skills in a safe and orderly environment. Our innovative and responsive programs will develop the academic, physical, and social skills necessary to become globally competitive and responsible citizens. 

The annual BCPS Climate Survey will be available from Monday, January 27, through Friday, February 28, 2025. The survey is for all stakeholders: students in Grades 3-12, parents/caregivers, community members, and all staff. The survey focuses on school climate and engagement. It takes three minutes or less to complete and is anonymous!

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***BCPS has exceeded the 3 snow days built into the school calendar. Moving forward any inclement weather days will operate on a 2 hour delayed opening schedule with virtual learning.  Click the hyperlink below to access helpful documents for virtual learning.

Virtual Learning - Elmwood Elementary